Sunday, July 3, 2011


Dental experts are of the view that human teeth were by no means intended to be pure white and that color range should be between yellow to light yellow-red. Incredible?. White or yellow, the significant thing is that with time every ones' teeth turn out to be darker in color. It is normal for the teeth of a new born baby to be bright white and for the teeth of an elderly person to be dark in color.
         A good number of people accept as true that poor oral hygiene is the root cause of stained/discolored teeth. While this analysis may not be totally wrong, it should be noted that other factors also contribute to a large extent Genetic factors, individual metabolism, age, etc are some of the natural factors causing teeth discoloration. Others include the sort of food we take and certain thing we make use of from time to time
  Below are some of the common causes of teeth discoloration/stains

 (1) Tea
  (3)Carbonated Drinks,
  (4)Kola Nuts
 (5) Red Wine
  (6) Apples
  (7) Potatoes
  (8) Tomato Sauce
  (9) Acidic foods and beverages

 TOBACCO and Tobacco products, whether smoked or chewed, cause teeth staining/discoloration. Because the teeth are porous, they can absorb the Nicotine contained in Tobacco and thus becoming stained with it .Cigarettes, pipes, cigars. and locale snuff which is chewed are the common forms of Tobacco. They all stain the teeth /cause teeth discoloration in addition to serious health complications.
Antibiotics such as tetracycline and  its derivatives such as doxycycline and minocycline are known to discolor the teeth of young children. They should therefore not be given to them. When used in excess, the fluorides are known to discolor teeth. Excessive fluoride from toothpastes, drinking water source, fluoride supplements, or fluoride applications could result in white spots on the teeth. Other casualty medications include Antihistamine drugs such as Benadryl,, antihypertensive and antipsychotic drugs. These medications discolor the teeth with usage. 
DISEASES: Most diseases affecting the hard surface of the teeth called the enamel in medical jargon and the material under the enamel medically known as the Dentin also cause teeth discoloration. Added to these, some treatments such as head and neck radiation or chemotherapy could also cause teeth staining/discoloration. Some infections in pregnant women could also cause teeth discoloration in the infant as they affect the development of the enamel.
Some people are born with naturally brighter teeth than other. And some have naturally thicker enamel.
Silver sulfide containing materials used in Dentistry can give the teeth a grey-black coloration,
As age set in the color of the teeth becomes darker. The outer layer of enamel gets worn out and the natural yellow color of dentin comes to the surface replacing your normal white teeth color.
The death of the nerves supplying moisture and nutrients to the teeth as a result of accident resulting in breakage of the teeth could cause a discoloration of the teeth. This can happen to both adult and children

Monday, June 20, 2011



 A magnetic and eye-catching bright smile rather than a disgusting opening of darkened teeth stained by bacterial pigments, foodstuffs, tobacco, or caused by certain antibiotic medications like tetracycline, or as a result of illness/ accident. is the major reason why people seek to make their teeth whiter. The bright smile from a very clean, fragrance-free and white teeth breed confidence makes one feel good and gorgeous to our pears and acquaintances. The effect of such a warm bright smile is more pronounced especially if one is meeting some people for the first time and on the demand side. A good bright smile could be a major determinant of your accomplishment or disappointment with a very long and lasting intuition about your traits than your intellectual accomplishments. As a result of these, some people simply refuse to smile so as not to dent their image in public. That many cosmetic dentists who have made marks in their trade are chasing a place in the Forbes listing especially in the developed world is a flying buttress to this point.
         Dental bleaching is the medical idiom for tooth whitening, a subject in the playing field of general dentistry. The cosmetic dentist is however more a professional in this locale than an ordinary dentist even though both of them are qualified specialists in tooth whitening, the common lingo for dental bleaching.  Dental technology has come to the rescue of those who are not contented with the poor manifestation of their teeth. Today, several methods are available to improve on the appearance of our teeth. They include :(1) laser bleaching,(2) bleaching gel,(3)bleaching pen (4)bleaching strips, and (5)natural bleaching. The common methods used at home for teeth whitening include the use of small strips in the form of tooth brushing sticks that is very popular in the developing world and the application of bleaching Gel that come in various names such as MA CLEAN,CLOSE UP to mention but a few. Oxidizing agents are also used to oxidize the stain deposits over time. Hydrogen peroxide affords the most impressive example in this regard.
     Methods used in teeth whitening are as varied as the locations and teeth whitening products. The options opened to patients who want to make their teeth whiter includes:
(1)   In- office treatment by professional dentists with laser techniques being more common. This technique, better understood as. Power bleaching uses light energy to accelerate the process of bleaching. It is a more expensive method reserved for the well to do in the society
(2)   Treatment at home could involve the use of prescriptions from the professional dentist  at home such as teeth whitening products (Crest teeth whitening products, Celebrity whitening products, Opulence teeth whitening products, teeth whitening product peroxide, bright smile products or the use of any teeth whitening devices.) Products such as toothpastes, chewing gums and Rinses fall into these categories
(3)   Home treatment could also be non dental. These treatments are carried out in kiosks, salons etc. They are largely in the form of unscientific home remedies for whitening teeth most of which give worthless results or may even exacerbate the situation. NEVER USE HOME REMEDIES FOR WHITENING TEETH .They are unscientific and could endanger your life. Some of these home remedies for whitening teeth may appear to be effective at first .Since they have not been put to test  scientifically, you are not sure of the later health effects.

        If you must whiten your teeth, you are advised to go for professional teeth whitening. Professional teeth whitening is performed by trained professionals in teeth whitening and they use and recommend only professional teeth whitening products approved by such organs as the American Dental Association or similar bodies The best and popular teeth whitening products such as Celebrity whitening products, Crest teeth whitening products, Opulence teeth whitening products, Malibu Bright teeth whitening products are all approved by relevant bodies and safe to use.
WHAT CAN STAIN YOUR TEETH : The following can stain your teeth
(1) coffee
TEA:Can stain your teeth (Teeth Whitening/Tooth Whitening/Whiter teeth/Whiter tooth) CAUSES OF STAINED TEETH
(3)Red wine,
(4)tomato sauce,
TOMATOES:Tomato sauce can stain your teeth. (Teeth Whitening/tooth whitening/white teeth/whiter teeth) CAUSES OF STAINED TEETH
(5)balsamic vinegar
(7)Soy sauce
(8)Kola nut
KOLA-NUTS: Can stain your teeth (Teeth whitening/Whiter teeth/Tooth whitening/white tooth) CAUSES OF STAINED TEETH
(9) Cigarette smoking
(10)Carbonated Drinks:
CARBONATED DRINKS:Can stain your teeth (Teeth Whitening/Tooth Whitening/Whiter teeth/Whiter tooth) CAUSES OF STAINED TEETH.


 Oranges and Pineapples are members of this category.They aid in the production of saliva in the mouth, the most important natural method of cleaning the teeth. Lemon is also very good in this respect.
PINEAPPLES:They aid in the production of saliva ,a natural teeth whitener (teeth whitening/tooth whitening/teeth whitener/natural teeth whitening)

       MALIBU BRIGHT TEETH WHITENING PRODUCTS are professional products, approved by relevant bodies, cheap, easy to use, safe and very effective. They are sometimes called Bright smile Products because they give the user a bright smile. That Malibu bright teeth whitening products are topping the table in terms of demand resulting from excellent effect obtained on usage is buttressed by generated results from  keywords playground, software that gives the number of searches per month on search words in the internet .The following search results were obtained for the month of June, 2011:
          Smile Bright------------------------------61million searches
          Smile Bright USA-----------------------51million searches
          Smile Bright CA-------------------------33million searches
         Bright Smile Toothpaste---------------23million searches
         Bright Smile dental----------------------17million searches
        Bright Smile products-------------------1.2million searches
          That searches for bright smile, bright smile USA, bright smile CA, bright smile toothpaste, bright smile dental and bright smile products are so heavy per month is an indication of the acceptance of these products. In fact these products rank above all others for now.
       According to the manufacturer, “the immediate and long term benefits of MalibuBright are apparent and you will experience these real results: “
*Whitens teeth as well, or better than bleaching products.
* Removes stains without bleaching agents
*Coats teeth to prevent stain deposits
*Protects against staining even after drinking coffee, tea or wine.
*Removes organic material and bacterial that cause bad breath
*Is gentle on teeth and gums.
*Does not cause gum sensitivity.
*Freshens breath.

      To BUY MalibuBright product visit this LINK